Environmental Wellness
Environmental wellness relates to your relationship with your surroundings, including your home, workplace, and community. it can include your digital workspace as well.
Environmental Dimension: Stress can exacerbate environmental stressors, such as air pollution and noise. It can also increase the risk of developing environmental-related illnesses.
Often we must release old belief systems regarding to change our behaviours and habits. Decluttering can include self-discipline, decluttering your mind, hypnotize yourself, be more centrered, end self -sabatoge, dissove anxiety, release fear, complete relaxation, elimitate stress, erase phobias, and gratitude.
By changing things in our environment we can get a resurge. Future environment whether at home, workspae or digital space , you mind can help you with gratitude, self- discipline, decluttering your mind, hypnotize yourself, visualization success, whole brain thinking, total focus, happiness, relaxation, eliminate stress, zen master meditation, energy surge or waking up with energy, reinventing yourself, or others.